Iberdomide Maintenance Therapy

Iberdomide Maintenance Therapy in Patients With Multiple Myeloma

What will happen during the trial?

This is a phase II study to determine the feasibility, safety and efficacy of iberdomide maintenance therapy post-autologous stem cell transplant (ASCT). Iberdomide will be dosed at 1.0 mg PO daily for days 1-21 of a 28-day cycle. Treatment will continue until disease progression or toxicity. A maximum of 38 participants will be enrolled. The results from this study will inform the feasibility of pursuing a phase 3 study comparing iberdomide to lenalidomide maintenance post-ASCT.

More Information

Trial Status
Accepting patients
Trial Phase
Phase 2
38 patients (estimated)
University of Nebraska Medical Center
Cereblon E3 Ligase Modulators (CELMoDs), Maintenance
Trial Type
Last Update
1 week ago
SparkCures ID
NCT Identifier

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