Personalize Your Clinical Trial Results

All clinical trials have eligibility criteria - or a list of reasons why you may be able or unable to participate in a trial. The questions below will help us to personalize your results against all clinical trials running across the US.

Patient Information

Why do we ask this?

Your diagnosis and location are two of the most important questions when it comes to exploring your clinical trial options. You can update and adjust your travel preferences from the results page.

Race is a sensitive question - but it is important because it helps us to better understand myeloma patient demographics and how SparkCures can provide better access to clinical trials for all patients.

Treatment History

Why do we ask this?

Many clinical trials will require that a patient has had (or not had) certain treatments. We ask about treatment history to help make sure that we are providing you with trial options that may be appropriate for you.

Most Recent Labs

Why do we ask this?

Most trials will require you to have labs above, below or within a certain range. These questions are optional but the more information you can provide here, the more accurate your matches will be.

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